Hey Y'all ! This post has been highly requested so I am going to finally share with you all what I use. I'm always trying out new apps, but the ones that I am going to mention are the ones I use on a consistent basis. Enjoy and let me know if you guys already use them or plan on doing so :)

1.) Facetune 2

There is regular Facetune that you can download, but Facetune 2 has a little more features so I just stick to using this one. The choice is yours. Anyways, you can make your photo into magic with this app. I use this app to help enhance my photo or simply clean it up a bit. It can get tricky using this because you don't want your photo to look overly done up. If you do too much on it then it can take away from the photo itself so you have to have a light hand when using it. It isn't hard to use and there are tons of youtube videos to teach you different tricks when it comes using this app. You can pay $20.00 for a year subscription to use everything the app has to offer. You do not have to pay though to get the gist of the app.
2.) PicMonkey

PicMonkey has been an editing tool that has been around for so long, but I feel it doesn't get enough credit. You can do everything on it. Create Instagram posts, Youtube banners, Facebook page cover, and the list goes on. This editing tool is so slept on. I like to use it to make cute edits with my photos or create covers for my different posts. This is a great app to use if you have a business or a personal blog/brand. I also love the different filters I can add to my photos. My only issue with it is that I feel like I can do more on a Laptop than I can on the actual phone app, but I can still get the job done on both. They do offer different subscriptions that you can choose from.
3.) Canva

Canva is much more common than Pic Monkey and I love it for a variety of reasons. They have tons of free templates that you can choose from to make different campaigns or flyers. I also made a media kit on Canva. There is so much you can do on it and it saves all your work that you start and you can finish for later.
4.) Foodie

Now this app I use when I'm taking pictures of food if you couldn't tell by the name lol. No, but seriously, it could take your food photos from YAS to YASSSSS ! They have a ton of filters that you can adjust to your liking to make your food photos look A1. The best thing about this app is that it is free. You can use it to edit your personal photos as well, but I stick to just editing my food photos.
5.) VSCO

You can use vsco to edit your photos and videos ! The photo editor is FREE and they have many presets that you can use on there to help with the aesthetic of your instagram if you are into that kind of thing lol. I am clearly LOL. Anyways, you can adjust filters to your liking and pay for a yearly subscription if you choose to.
6.) PicsArt

I highly recommend ever creative invest in this app ! I love it so much and you have to download it and see why for yourself. You can really take your photos and videos to the next level with this. Take advantage of the 7-day free trial and see what all the app has to offer. You will not be disappointed.
7.) Abobe Lightroom

I'm still learning how to use this to be completely honest, but I'm getting accustomed to it with the presets that I got. This is definitely a tool worth learning how to use though ! Especially, if you are into photography. Give it a try and take your skills to the next level. I spoke about the presets I used in a recent blog post :) Be sure to check that out if you haven't already.
8.) Unfold

This app is specifically for Instagram Stories ! If you want your IG stories to come to life this is the app for you. When I'm doing social media campaigns this is what I use. There are different templates that you can choose from. You do have to pay in order to use some of the nicer templates, but I think it is worth it.
9.) Videoshop

I love this app so much ! I've made some fantastic video work on this app all from my phone .I love that I can do B-roll on it and add graphics to my videos to make the videos more interesting. You can even add your own music to the videos if you'd like using a youtube link converter. I wish it offered a little more as far as effects go, but I know that the developers are working on that part so I will just be patient. You do have to spend money to use all the features, and that is the only con. It is super easy to use and I highly recommend it if you record your content from your phone .
10.) SNOW

Now, I'm not gonna lie, I just got hip to this app thanks to one of my sisters lol ! Anywho, It is free and you can add effects and filters to your videos. The only thing that I do not like about this app is that it won't allow you to edit videos longer than 5 min. This is perfect if you want to add a little something extra to those 60 sec long videos or IG stories.
That is all for now my loves ! Let me know, if you guys want to know how to use specific editing tools that I mentioned on this post definitely let me know :) Thank you guys for reading and connecting with me always. It is always a joy and I love you guys.
Until Next Times My Loves,
Twiggy Versatile xoxoxox
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