Hey y'all ! Welcome to another post :) Today I want to share with you all my favorite quote. In my opinion, I feel like quotes keep us motivated. It is something you look to when you need the extra pep in your step. Here is mine.

My favorite quote is Let Go, Let God :)

My mama always used to tell me to cast all my problems onto God. No matter how big or how small. The quote has always stuck with me and I think of it every time I’m in despair. It’s not about being “ religious,” it’s bigger than that. God is love and he hasn’t failed me yet. Sometimes I get so caught up that I forget to take time to talk to him, but baby when life is hitting me hard I am quickly reminded that I don’t have to deal with it by myself. God is bigger than my problems.
Well that is all for now beautiful people. I have other faves, but this one resonates with me the most. What’s your favorite quote ? Comment down below :)
Till Next Time My Loves,
Twiggy Versatile xoxox
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