Hey Y'all ! Welcome to another blog post :) Today I want to talk about how you can take your own pictures right in the comfort of your own home ! No, you do not need to be a super b photographer to accomplish this, but I will share my tips for beginners. I will also talk about what equipment you can use to help as well.
What you will need to set up:
Tripod: If you are taking pictures on your phone you can get one, but if you are looking to invest in a camera then definitely invest in one for the camera or just get both. This is what you will use to position your phone or camera to take your desired shot without holding it. You can get creative and decide
Backdrop stand: You can use a plain wall in your house or any other aesthetically pleasing backgrounds or objects in your home, but if you wanted to get creative and use a bed sheet you can use the backdrop stand to properly put it up for a nice portrait photoshoot or purchase a backdrop of your choice on Amazon :)
Remote Shutter Release: You can remotely take the photo without you physically touching the camera or phone. If you don't want to purchase you can just set the timer on your phone or camera to achieve the shot you want.
Indoor Lighting Set Up: If you do not have good lighting it will ruin the photo. You don't necessarily have to use an indoor lighting set up if your house has good lighting. However, it is preferred because lighting is everything.
Camera/ Smartphone Camera: I currently use the Nikon d3400. I use it to shoot myself and others. You can use whatever works best for you. When I don't feel like setting up my camera I always use my phone so either one will do ! The lens also plays a big part if you are using a professional camera. I use either the 50 mm, 35 mm, or the standard 18-55 lens that the camera comes with. The 50 mm and 35 mm are the perfect lens for portrait shots.
Tip 1: Use props and accessories in your house
Think about what you are trying to get across to your audience. Once you figure that out, look around your home to see what you can add to make that point come across. For example, if I am writing a post about what I have been doing, an I would mention reading books andI would take some photos with some books that I have been reading at home and take the photo in my bedroom. It could be anything just think outside the box
Tip 2: Posing
Have fun with this. Do different poses in front of the camera ! Be sure to either set your timer or prep your remote shutter release (don't forget to hide it lol) so you can have time to pose. Do some poses standing up or sitting down. If you are looking for inspiration or find yourself having a little trouble go to Pinterest and checkout some photography poses.
Tip 3: Give a good face
This is all up to you. I love smiling in general, but I also love to give a good face. The good ole Tyra Banks smize always does it for me when I feel like looking like a baddie.
Tip 4: Use your tripod at different angles to get different shots
I am very short so I always try to play with the angle on the tripod to avoid looking that way and plus I want the camera to catch my desired outfit. If you wanted to catch a certain aspect of your background then position it to your liking. You can get real creative with this, don't be afraid to step outside of your box.
Tip 5: Find a good background
You have a choice of using your own backdrop and even hanging props on it like flowers or fairy lights. You can even just use a plain wall. If you don't want to do that look around your house and see where you can get certain shots of yourself. If you have stairs, nice paintings, a photo collage, a big backyard, mirrors, and curtains these are things you can use for the perfect for op.
Tip 6: Have fun !!!
Whether you're a blogger/influencer or you're just doing this just because remember you are in the comfort of your home. Now is the time to just do you. You shouldn't feel awkward lol, but if you do I understand, just remember this is something that you are doing for yourself :)
Well folks that is all for now ! I hope you guys enjoyed it. Now you guys can take your own pictures at home for now until outside fully opens. I know it's hard to stay creative in times like these, but you got this :) Comment down below some things you do to achieve the perfect shots at home. I will be providing links to things that I have mentioned in todays post. Be safe and stay inside my loves !
Ring Light and tripod
Travel ringlight and tripod https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07GDC39Y2?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title
Camera Lens
Tripod by Itself
Camera w/ lens and accessories
Backdrop Set Up
Remote shutter release for smartphone
Until Next My Loves,
Twiggy Versatile Xoxoxo
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Twiter: @Twiggyversatile
Snapchat: @zzoeeeeeeee