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My First Giveaway ! Here is How It Went :)

Updated: Nov 3, 2019

Hey Y'all ! I hope all is well ! Thank you guys for reading another blog post :) My bloggerversary was on September 30th. In honor of my blog making 1 year I did a giveaway ! Here is how it went ....

How it went?

I decided to giveaway a $100 Amazon Gift Card. I wanted to do this because it was my one year and I had saved up for it. I knew that I wanted to do something semi big and this was the closest thing I could think of. I would say that for my first giveaway it went great. I received more subscribers from the people that were tagged under my post and my following grew tremendously during this time.I even gained subscribers from people who were already following me as well and that is always a plus.

What I would do differently ?

I think the next time around, I will try to partner with somebody or even a company to help bring even more traffic to the blog :) Also, I like the idea of working and collaborating with new people and helping expand their brand as well :)

What I learned ?

I learned that giveaways are a great way to gain followers, but also I really connected with the people that decided to enter and I am so grateful. I plan on doing my next giveaway in December so stay tuned :)

Congratulations to @eh_moonah for being the winner of my first giveaway ❤️❤️❤️ Thank you to everyone who participated 😘

Until Next Time My Loves,

Twiggy Versatile xoxox

Connect With Me On Social Media

Instagram : @Twiggyversatile

Twitter : @Twiggyversatile

Snapchat : @zzoeeeeeeee


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